2019 New Year's Party and Election
Dear KAIPBA members: The 2019 New Year's Party and Election will be held next Wednesday (January 16th). Date & Time: January 16, 2019...
2019 New Year's Party and Election
KAIPBA 7th President Election
IP Seminar December 2018
2018 KAIPBA Fall Picnic
2018 Annual IP Seminar with PTAB Judges
KAIPBA IP Seminar May 2018
The KAIPBA Endorses Bridget Bailey Lipscomb.
The KAIPBA Seminar on May 16, 2018
The 3rd KAIPBA Roadshow in Korea - April 18-21, 2018
KABA-DC "Sexual Harassment In The Workplace" (March 29 @6:30PM)