The 3rd KAIPBA Roadshow in Korea - April 18-21, 2018
Dear KAIPBA members: I am pleased to announce that our 3rd KAIPBA Roadshow will be held in Korea for April 18-21, 2018. We will be visiting and providing presentations for the Korea Patent Attorneys Association (KPAA, 대한변리사협회), the Korea Intellectual Property Protection Association (KIPRA, 지식재산보호원), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO, 대한민국 특허청), and the Dankuk University. The dates and events are as follows.
April 18, 2018 (Wednesday) – Seminar at KPAA (대한변리사협회)
April 19, 2018 (Thursday) – Seminar at KIPRA (지식재산보호원)
April 20, 2018 (Friday) – Seminar at KIPO (대한민국 특허청)
April 21, 2018 (Saturday) - Dankuk University MIP Graduate School
Currently, we are looking for presenters for the following topics: 1. 중소기업의 소송초기 대응전략 및 사례 2. 미국 특허심판원 특허무효소송심판 청구를 통한 지재권 분쟁대응 3. ITC 소송전략 및 판례동향 4. 소프트웨어 특허분쟁의 동향및 분쟁을 대비한 특허출원전략 5. Defending against Willful Infringement and Enhanced Damages Post Halo: the return of Opinion Letters and use of IPRs 6. Federal Circuit Review of IPR Decisions 7. 미국특허심판원(PTAB) IPR, PGR, CBM 최신 업데이트 8. 최근 상표분쟁소개및 판례동향 If you are interested in participating in this Roadshow, please respond with the following information by Tuesday, March 13, 2018: 1. Title and Summary of your presentation topic(s) 2. Presenter's Full Name 3. Presenter's Title, Organization, and Bar Membership(s) Please note that the participants should bear their own travel expenses. Also, please understand that you have to renew your KAIPBA membership for 2018 prior to participating in this Roadshow. KAIPBA is operated by the contributions of its members and we are very grateful for your support. To pay online, please visit our website: Thank you! Best regards, Rachel J. Lee Secretary, KAIPBA