Presidential Farewell
Dear KAIPBA Members:
It has truly been my honor to represent KAIPBA as the 6th President for the past two years. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to serve with our distinct colleagues and friends, and I thank all of you for your ceaseless support.
As I look back at the many accomplishments of the past two years, I am filled with pride, warmth and gratitude for all the hard work and dedication of all our executive committee, advisors and members. Due to their hard work, I am pleased to report that our membership grew at an unprecedented rate increasing by 84%. I believe this growth of the KAIPBA is primarily due to the diverse & new IP seminars and activities provided through the past two years.
As an association, we continued to strengthen our relationship with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). In addition to the annual PTAB judges seminar, new events were created including USTPO interview practices discussion by the PTO interview specialist, the USPTO ethics review by the OED and PTAB appeals practice review.
Our relationship with the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and Korean Patent Attorney Association (KPAA) became stronger as we continued to provide seminar before KOIPA, KPAA, and KIPO through the 3rd IP roadshow in Korea as well as the joint meeting and luncheon with the KIPO commissioner, KIPO leadership, KPAA leadership and KIPO PTAB leadership.
We have also continued to serve our community by proving IP education to local community. In July 2018, MOU was formed with the Korean American Inventors Association (KAIA).
Along with the pride, warmth and gratitude in looking back, I feel relief and confidence in the KAIPBA’s future as I pass the torch to our incoming president and colleague, Steve Kim knowing that KAIPBA will continue to grow and strengthen in serving our community under his leadership.
With warm appreciation,
Justin Kim